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    Terms & Conditions

    All goods are sold on the Company's standard terms and conditions of sale

    Definitions: - In these conditions the following expressions shall have the following meanings: “The Company” means Regal Wholesale Ltd. “The Customer” means the person, firm, company or organisation specified in the order or being party to any contract to which these terms and conditions apply. “The Goods” means the goods (including any installment of the goods or any part for or of them) which the company is to supply in accordance with these terms.

    Payment: - You the customer are required to pay for all goods on receipt, unless alternative arrangements have been agreed.

    The company reserves the right to withdraw supply of goods when an account is not settled by the due date and will hold all goods ordered until the appropriate payment is received. If our bank returns a cheque the customer will be automatically debited with a £10 charge for administration.  Any credit card payments will incur a 3% of transaction value surcharge.

    Retention of Title: - It is a condition of the contract that the goods shall remain the property of the company and shall not pass to the customer until the company has received in cash or cleared funds payment in full for the goods or any other monies outstanding. Any risk of damages or loss to the goods shall pass to the customer on delivery. Until such time as the property in the goods passes to the customer the customers shall hold the goods properly stored, protected and insured. Until the property in the goods passes to the customer the company shall be entitled at any time to recover the goods and may enter upon the customer’s premises where the goods are stored and repossess the goods.

    Delivery: - Carriage is included in the price and undertaken by the company’s own vehicles. Free carriage is subject to the company’s minimum order requirement for your area being met. If you the customer are unsure of your minimum order requirement please contact the company.

    Pricing: - The prices shown in the company’s PLOF are correct at the time of going to press, but the company reserves the right to change prices at anytime without prior notice. It must be accepted that goods will be invoiced at prices prevailing at the date of order. All products are subject to V.A.T at standard rate (except for sanitary products where a 5% rate applies and a zero rate applies to nappies and certain food lines). All products are subject to availability E. & O.E.

    Claims: - In the event of non-delivery, shortages or damages, please inform the company within 3 days of delivery.  Any claims made after this may not be processed.

    Force Majeure: - The company should not be liable for failure to deliver the goods or for failure to comply with the contract in any other respect by reason of force majeure or any circumstance howsoever arising outside the reasonable control of the company including, but without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, any industrial action, strikes, lock-outs, shortages of labour, breakdown of machinery, non-availability of supplies of stock, materials or parts, delay in delivery to the company of goods or materials, civil commotion, riots, war, breaking off of diplomatic relations, fire, explosion, accident, sabotage, storm, flood, earthquake, fog, subsidence, pestilence or epidemics or compliance with any directive request or order of any person with actual or apparent governmental authority, Government action or legislation or regulation or any act of God and inability to obtain fuel, power or transportation. Such failure shall not affect the obligation of the customer to pay for goods already delivered. In the event that such circumstances shall continue for an unbroken period of sixty days the company shall have the right by notice in writing to terminate the contract or contracts in question to the extent that they shall not have been performed.

    Privacy Policy


    On the 25th May 2018 the new GDPR legislation came into effect.  We have updated our Privacy Policy around the new rules.

    As a Company we respect your personal data and we have an obligation to keep it safe.  We only collect data that is necessary in order to conduct business relations and we would not expect you to provide data, or use such data for purposes for which it is not intended.

    Under the new legislation, we are by law required to get your consent to allow us to communicate with you through various channels and as such we are adopting an “opt-in” approach.  By now, you would have been provided with our “opt-in” consent form.  If you have not received a consent form, please feel free to contact us on 0151 346 1420 and speak to the Data Protection Officer, or email to

    By accessing our website you are confirming that you have read, understood and agree to this Privacy Policy.

    Collection of Data

    Your data is collected through various sources  :

    • We collect your data from your application form, when you apply to open an account with us
    • We collect your data from your supporting documents which are provided at the time of requesting an account with us
    • We collect your data when you submit a “contact us” request through our website
    • We may also source contact data from other sources such as event organisers, trade fairs, researching new markets and buying groups
    • We may also collect your data when other organisations have shared information with us. Data may be sourced through other organisations, social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc, or your data may be in the public domain such as Websites, Companies House, Credit Checking Websites, media publications etc.
    • Via our website. As we use Cookies on our website, it stores data on how you are using our website.  We use this data to make your use of the website better, and they also assist us in making the website quicker for you to navigate.  One of the examples of the use of Cookies is the autofill and storage of your login and password for future logins
    • Data may be collected through the device you are using to login to our website. The information stored could be the type of device you are using, settings on the device and the operating system your device is using.  If you are unsure as to what information is being shared, please consult the provider of your device for more information

    What Data do we collect and what are we using it for?

    In order to open a Trade Account with us, we will collect data on our Trade Registration form relating to your business.  We collect Trading Name and Address Details, delivery address details, any restrictions with regard to deliveries into the delivery address, contact names, phone numbers and email addresses for both the main contact and the accounts payable contact.  We also collect documentation which would provide evidence of proof of trade such as utility bills, letterheads, trade invoices and copies of vat registration certificates.  We also collect your company bank details in order to verify where the payments are coming in from in line with the money laundering Act of 2017.  We also collect data relating to where you came to hear about us, which is used for marketing purposes.  Our Trade Registration Forms are a legal trading document and as such we require a signature from an authorised signatory to endorse the Trading Relationship.

    This data will mainly be used to provide you with services, products and information relating to our trading relationship.  We will also keep a note of how you prefer to be contacted.  Your data will also help us in improving our service, products and information for all our customers.

    Your data is also used to process your orders.  We use the data to monitor the use of our website in order to improve the functionality.  We may use your data in order to contact you if we have a query relating to your order.  If you have consented to opt in we will send you communications (this could be by post, telephone, SMS or email) about features, services, products, promotions and special offers.  We may use your data in order to verify your identity.

    We may use your data to conduct a credit check through our service providers to facilitate a credit account.  We ensure our Data Processors are all GDPR compliant.  Your data may also be used to detect and reduce fraud and credit risks.

    We may from time to time use your data in order to analyse our customer database.  We could use your geographical data, or demographical data in order to profile our database.  This would allow us to target specific markets and provide a more bespoke offer.  We do not sell data to any third party.


    We have an IT specialist on site who ensures the appropriate measures are in place to secure all our data.  Our network is protected, backed up and monitored on a daily basis to ensure data is secure and systems are protected.

    Regular reviews take place internally to ensure your data is being managed appropriately by our staff members.

    Where your data is stored or processed by an external party, we conduct comprehensive checks and ensure a privacy contract is in place with every service provider who would have access to our stored data.

    Your information may need to be shared or disclosed to the police, regulatory bodies or legal advisors without your consent.  In all other instances, we will ensure we have your confirmed consent.

    All emails you receive from us will come from an email address ending in  If you receive an email claiming to be from Regal Wholesale which looks suspicious and potentially fraudulent, please let Regal know.

    If you register to use our online ordering facility, you agree to keep your password confidential and must not disclose or share it.  You will be held responsible for all activities that occur under the use of your password.  If you suspect your password may have been used fraudulently or may have been accessed by an authorised user, please contact Regal Wholesale who will arrange for your password and login details to either be deactivated or changed.  We reserve the right to suspend your password should we believe there has been a misuse or breach of security.  On re-activation we may ask you to verify your identity before providing the password and login details.

    Updating your information

    You can, at any time contact us to update your data.  If we find your data to be inaccurate or incorrect, we will make every effort to update it through various sources available to us.

    Know your rights

    You have the right to request us to stop using your personal data, however there is certain data that we do require in order to continue a trading relationship with you.  If you feel the need to request us to stop using your data, you can contact us.

    You also have the right to request a copy of the data we hold on you.  This will be provided free of charge within 1 month of your request.  Please apply in writing to The Data Protection Officer, Regal Wholesale Ltd, 5 Riverview Business Park, Shore Wood Road, Bromborough, CH62 3RQ.  Please provide proof of your identity along with a detailed description of what data you require.

    Should you believe Regal is not processing your data in the correct manner and has not handled your complaint or actioned your request effectively regarding your data you have the right to lodge a complaint with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) on 0303 123 1113.

    Setting up your Online Account 

    Once we have approved your application when all documents have been signed and returned, for security, your online login details will be posted to you.  

    Contact Us

    As per your rights in this notice, you can contact us as follows:

    By Post:

    The Data Protection Officer

    Regal Wholesale Ltd

    5 Riverview Business Park

    Shore Wood Road


    CH62 3RQ



    0151 346 1420 – Please ask for our Data Protection Officer


    By using the Contact Us form on our website


    Registered Office
    Regal Wholesale Limited, 5 Riverview Business Park, Shore Wood Road, Bromborough, Wirral CH62 3RQ
    Registered in England No. 2381169